A small gesture went a long way for a daughter who wanted to spend as much time with her elderly mother as possible at the Kiwanis Care Centre.

Staff kudos: Nurses’ efforts help daughter spend more time with elderly mother

A family member whose parent has been a long-time resident at Kiwanis Care Centre, a North Shore residential care facility, applauded staff for searching out a comfortable chair so she could be at her mother’s bedside for longer periods during the last stages of her life. Her letter is below:

Many thanks to Nursing Supervisor Hana Minarikova who heard me when I stated that chronic pain would not allow me to sit for long periods with my mom because of the discomfort experienced.

She searched the building to find a much more comfortable semi Lazy Boy chair, which shall afford me the opportunity to manage long periods with my mom during the last stages of her life.

While she was off duty, Ewa Pawlak took over and rearranged the room such that the chair would be beside mom.

The efforts of both supervisors are greatly appreciated. I know that mom will appreciate my ability to spend longer periods of time with her.