Did you know that LGH has the highest percentage of health authority staff who walk to work in the Lower Mainland?

Calling all two-foot commuters who work on the Lions Gate Hospital campus

Last week, residents of NorthVan (that’s the password) who work on the Lions Gate Hospital campus were invited to participate in a survey to help inform our upcoming walking promotion. If you received that email, please be sure to click the link before Canada Day.

We walk

LGH leads the entire health authority network as the site with the most employees walking to work! So, in addition to encouraging even more LGH campus staff to take the two-foot-commute, we want to learn how to transfer some of this healthy behaviour to other sites.

Expand your horizons

Whether it is your commute to and from work, or a 20- or 30-min outdoor break in your day, we all benefit from the exercise, fresh air and expanded focal distance (…beyond a smartphone, computer screen or the tail lights of the car in front of us) of a walk. With the collaboration of local coffee shops we need your help to create a map of the local area showing just how extensive “walking distance from the LGH campus” actually is.

There are already quite a few NorthVan residents walking a half hour to the LGH campus. Together, we are going to shine a light on what makes the LGH community so walkable: stay tuned for more information. (And coffee and chocolate – yes, those chocolate bars are for helpful participants.)

Note: If you live in NorthVan, work at the LGH campus and did not receive that email inviting you to participate, please contact Arthur Orsini.