Petra’s passion for nursing administration earns provincial award

Petra Pardy_Sept 2009

Petra Pardy, director, Home and Community Care and Patient Flow Services, received the prestigious Excellence in Nursing Administration Award last week from the College of Registered Nurses of British Columbia at their Annual General Meeting. Petra was one of ten VCH nurses honored at this year’s event.

In her current role, Petra is responsible for a budget of $63 million and 500 employees, spanning primary, acute and community care for Richmond. Through her leadership and strong collaboration with the medical community throughout her career, she works to constantly make improvements to deliver the best possible outcomes for patients.

By putting people first and engaging staff in problem-solving and decision making, Petra fosters leaders and staff who know they can make a difference.

A lifelong learner, Petra is quick to share strategies and best practice documents with others to help strengthen nursing knowledge. “She has been a mentor and coach for many Richmond Hospital employees,” says Sue Goulding, manager, ICU. “When Petra was attending Royal Roads University, she engaged many of the front-line leaders in her work, sharing her learning and inspiring us to pursue our studies. She is, in part, responsible for me pursuing my graduate studies and for that, I will always be grateful.”

“She has  passion for nursing administration,” says VCH Chief Nursing Officer Susan Wannamaker, “That passion is transforming care and service delivery and makes a difference every day for those we serve.”

To read more about Petra and the wonderful work she does, check out her award profile.

See all the 2013 CRNBC award recipients from VCH.