Should we save Spiderman?

Renovations are underway in the atrium at Richmond Hospital.

Hoarding is up and crews have begun demolition work in the atrium at Richmond Hospital.

Renovations to the atrium at Richmond Hospital got underway last week, and are leading to many questions about whether Spiderman will be part of the new, renovated space.

So, first of all, how did Spiderman get on top of that high cement column on the north side of the atrium? Did a local basketball superstar slam dunk him there? Maybe Maintenance staff were trying to be cheeky when putting up Christmas decorations and left him behind as a memento of their work? Was he put there when the columns went up years and years ago?

No one seems to be sure about Spiderman’s history but what is for sure is that lots of you feel he has become a part of the Richmond family and that he should be part of the renovated space.

Do you know how Spiderman got there? Do you have any theories more plausible than those above? And should he stay? Let us know in the comments below.

Hoarding went up late last week around the perimeter of the atrium, and demolition got underway today.  Demolition is expected to be completed within a couple of weeks and will be the noisiest part of the project.  We are working with the construction team to identify ways to mitigate noise disruption. For example, they are now taking short breaks in between the demolition work. We’ll be exploring other options and will keep you posted.

A few key changes to keep in mind during the construction:

  • The atrium entrance is closed (except the right hand doors leading to Starbucks – for now) and the main hospital entrance has been moved temporarily to the west door next to Screening Mammography.
  • There is limited access to the hospital from the north entrance; only to those services and departments down that north hallway.
  • Starbucks is accessible only from their outside doors.

If you have any questions or concerns about this project, please contact Carolle Sauro ( or 604.233.3170)

  1. kim

    I think Spiderman could use a female companion….where is Mary-Jane?

    April 30, 2014
  2. Peter Parker's Friend

    I know Spider-Man’s accomplice, but he wishes to remain anonymous. He needs to be a part of the new Main Entrance….because he is family!!!!

    April 28, 2014
  3. Brenda

    I didn’t know that Spider-Man lived in the Atrium until I read this. I think he should stay (and not just so that I can see him). These kinds of playful additions to our environment need to be celebrated!

    April 28, 2014
  4. lorraine

    PLEASE SAVE SPIDERMAN!!!!!!!! please find a knew home for spiddy

    April 27, 2014
  5. Ellen Abrams

    I agree with Lisa: there’s no question that Spider-Man is important and should stay right where he is.

    April 25, 2014
  6. Lisa

    No question, Spider-Man has to stay! He brings many smiles 🙂

    April 25, 2014
  7. Simonne Marr

    Please leave Spider Man

    April 25, 2014
  8. Janice

    Absolutely, please save Spider-Man!! Someone pointed him out to me through the window on 2 West where he is within sight-line – right atop the column, there he was! I showed him to my grandson, who now at least twice a week asks, “can we check on Spider-Man?” So…. we owe it to a 4 year old to save him!

    April 24, 2014
  9. Pedantic Peter Parker

    Spider-Man, not Spiderman!

    It’s not his last name. It’s not like “Phil Spiderman”. He’s a Spider…Man!

    April 24, 2014
    • Editor

      Leave it to my Friends to educate me on life’s many great mysteries 🙂 Now I understand . . . Spider-man is like a mix between Iron Man and Batman . . . with a hyphen thrown in. Got it!

      April 24, 2014
      • Karen

        Spider-Man must be saved….perhaps we need to start a save Spider-Man petition!

        April 25, 2014
        • Cheryl

          I agree with Karen. We must save Spider-Man and at the same time, leave him where he is.
          In the Atrium, he definitely belongs there. Afterall, he is your friendly neighbour taking care of
          our neighbourhood.

          April 28, 2014