Do you want to know more about research happenings across VCH? If so, please sign up today for “In It Together.”

Research – We’re in it together!

We hope that we’ve piqued your curiosity about research in Richmond over the past month.

To stay updated on research-related happenings across VCH, please sign up for In It Together. This monthly electronic newsletter will present stories featuring clinical trials currently under way and the discoveries they hope to make with the necessary help of patient participants. Stories are intended to highlight how everyone benefits from clinical trials and that volunteers are essential to research process and treatment progress.

The newsletter also aims to inspire interested individuals to find out more about research at VCH and participation opportunities by linking visitors to the “Participate in Research” webpage (

We encourage you to sign up and to help connect people you know to research. Together we will create a healthier tomorrow through research — be part of the discovery.

Sign up now!

To sign up, click on the following link:

Want to share a research story?

We’re all ears! Please share and submit story ideas to Vivian Sum (