Ready, set, create! The National Nursing Week poster contest in on now across VCH Richmond! Above, Richmond RNs put thoughts to paper. Pictured left to right are: Kara Thompson, CRN Birth Centre; Jas Mahli, CNE 6 North; Janet Scott, PCC, Birth Centre; Kaoru Gemmell, RN, Birth Centre; Karen Madayag, Nursing Practice Initiatives Lead.

Love nursing? Tell us your story on a poster!

May 9 to 15 is National Nursing Week.  The theme: Nurses – with you every step of the way.

We’re celebrating the occasion with a poster contest that will tell the story about what you all do so well every step of the way caring for your patients, clients, residents and their families.

So tap into your inner artist to show how nurses in your unit, program or department provide high quality nursing care.

Entry forms are available from Karen Madayag (, and entries will be judged on theme and creativity. All entries will be displayed, as we receive them, from May 11 to 15 on the bulletin boards near the Richmond Hospital cafeteria or in your unit/department.

Great prizes are on-offer to teams/units who create the winning entries!

Deadline for entries is May 12.