VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation staff showing off their pirate pride at the Assistants’ Appreciation Lunch on Dec 2.

Shiver me Timbers: Pirates Afoot at the Annual Assistants’ Appreciation Lunch

Yo ho ho, a pirate’s lunch for me! On December 2nd, the Jolly Roger flag was flying at the Paetzold Health Education Centre for the VGH & UBC Hospital Foundation’s annual Assistants’ Appreciation Lunch.

Honoring the hard work of administrative assistants at our hospitals, this year’s pirate themed event made a splash with food, activities, and a little pirate treasure for all attending.  The event was more than a chance to say thank you, it was an opportunity for Foundation staff to connect in person with those assistants that help them regularly coordinate meetings with busy doctors.

Connecting with doctors is vital to our fundraising efforts as it allows Foundation staff to hear firsthand about new research initiatives, understand the needs of our hospitals as well as reach out to grateful patients. It’s because of their hard work we can do the fundraising work we do – let’s hear it for the assistants!

  1. Cynthia Hale

    How pleased I am that the Assistants at the hospital are getting recognition for their dedication and hard work! That is fantastic!

    Now if only the many dedicated and hard working clerical staff in the Community could receive the same recognition with a group lunch either at their work sites or generally. Perhaps something like the nurses receive – a tea held in a central location that staff could attend? Perhaps in April an Administrative Recognition tea?

    December 19, 2013