How has health care funding changed?

Due to high internet usage the past week, we’ve decided to keep our Vancouver All-Staff Forum (ASF) survey open until Saturday, February 22. Didn’t attend ASF? No problem! The forum’s recorded webcast (including staff videos) is available for viewing at the following links (Classic Viewer version is compatible with older browsers):

After watching the webcast, answer our brief and confidential survey. Results are compiled to protect anonymity.

Please complete the survey before Saturday, February 22.

Talking dollars and sense

Since our January ASF, a number of you have asked for more information about provincial health care funding and our VCH budget.

To answer these questions we highly recommend watching Glen Copping’s recent presentation at the True North Forum. During his presentation, our new CFO and vice president, systems development and performance, covers a lot of ground, including:

  • B.C.’s past and forecast funding levels for health care
  • VCH expenses (non-physician staff compensation is responsible for more than 70% of our costs)
  • VCH costs we control and those we don’t
  • VCH budget increase for 2014/15 —it’s modest and costs are growing at a faster rate

Glen’s presentation begins at minute 4:40 in the True North Forum webcast.

Let’s keep talking

Day or night, we always welcome your questions, ideas and suggestion. If you have something on your mind, email us.