Are we restricting lawn sprinkling at VGH?

Due to unseasonably dry and hot weather, Metro Vancouver has further restricted water use, including lawn sprinkling. On the VGH campus, we’re helping to conserve water by programming our lawn sprinkling to operate at well below Metro Vancouver limits. Here’s how:

As a non-residential water consumer, VGH is permitted to water our lawns for a total 5 hours per week from 1 to 6 am. Our campus lawn sprinklers operate at 2 am — and for just 10 minutes per day. That’s a grand total of only 70 minutes of watering per week.

For more on lawn sprinkling restrictions, visit the Metro Vancouver website here.

Please note: Metro Vancouver’s sprinkling limits don’t apply to flower/garden beds.

  1. Rian Dodds

    VGH FM&O will to be 100% compliant with stage 3 watering restrictions. Our irrigation systems are being shutdown and we are moving to hand watering for our flower beds.

    July 22, 2015
  2. Tam Stewart

    The water restrictions have now changed. I get to work at around 05:30/06:00, there are puddles on concrete…12th avenue.
    please update.

    July 22, 2015