Primary Outreach Services bike rack

Making space for an active commute

Across the region, more and more people are starting to bike to work. That’s good news …unless you have no secure place to lock your bike when you arrive.

That was the ‘downside’ for staff cycling to the POS Team site (Primary Outreach Services) on Powell Ave in Strathcona. But earlier this summer an innovative solution was welded into place. Looking around the facility, the most likely solution seemed to be within a very large central storage room. While the wall space was completely filled with supplies, changing stalls and coat racks, the central area had a lot of open area. So, with the help of a talented and creative artist/welder living and working just a few blocks way – Sandra Bilawich – the POS Bike Rack was imagined, created and installed.

Now, up to 12 bikes can be ‘hung’ on the bike rack in the middle of the room. A shelf on top holds helmets and jackets. Thanks Sandra!

  1. John Carsley

    Imaginative and practical innovation using community talent! However, somewhat depressing that bikes always have to be squeezed in and often result in solutions that can’t be used by all (hanging racks are not appropriate for smaller or weaker folk). Nonetheless, kudos to those who solved a real problem.

    Now,let’s move upstream and insist our facilities all have active transporters’ needs considered from the get-go.

    September 3, 2015