Vancouver All-Staff Forum: September 16 – Don’t miss it!

Home is where the heart is – Part 2: Putting our Home is Best philosophy into practice for vulnerable clients

Q: What does “Home is Best” mean to you when clients have little to no supports in the home?


Maylene Fong, Manager, Evergreen Community Health Centre

A: “People thrive best in their home environment and if clients can recover in their home, they do much better. So I believe that the goal is to keep clients in their home as long as possible so they can be independent with the supports that they need. For clients with little to no family supports in the home, we wrap our services around them to ensure their specific needs are being met.”

– Maylene Fong, Manager, Evergreen Community Health Centre

On Wednesday, September 16 (2:30 to 4:00 p.m.) we are delving deeper into last June’s All-Staff Forum and focusing on how we are supporting  our isolated, frail senior clients with complex care needs to return and remain at home.  Learn from Maylene and others who are working with individuals who have little to no additional support.

Based on your feedback from last session, much of this forum is devoted to breakout groups where you will have the chance to explore potential solutions to meet the unique needs of this client group. In order to allow for broader discussion, the forum has been extended to one-and-a-half hours.

As much of the forum is focused on discussion groups, we encourage all VCH Vancouver staff, physicians, LMC colleagues and other partners in care working in Vancouver to attend in person at either Paetzold or one of the satellite sites in order to participate fully. This will be a Forum you won’t want to miss, so register here and reserve your spot today!