BWB Grand Prize winners announced!
During our 10-week Best Work Buddy (BWB) Contest, staff and physicians from across our Vancouver Community of Care submitted 98 photos and just as many wonderful stories. This week the moment many have been waiting for finally came, and our Vancouver COOs Vivian Eliopoulos and Laura Case drew for the Grand Prize winners …
We are happy to announce that Manjit Bains and Kamaljit Parmar, registered nurses at VGH, have won the Grand Prize of a one-hour professional photo shoot at a Vancouver location of their choosing!
“She’s like the best sister ever”
Manjit and Kamaljit are thrilled with the news and although they’re still deciding where the shoot will take place, they know it’s a wonderful way to celebrate the friendship they’ve formed while working together at VGH.
Manjit, who describes her BWB as “like the best sister ever,” says: “Best friends at work make great work partners, cheerleaders and champions. “This BWB initiative helped us build acceptance among ourselves and flourish in our practice environment.”
As consistent contributors throughout the contest, Manjit and Kamaljit sent in their photo and work buddy story almost every week to increase their chances of winning. Participants could enter every week for a total of 10 entries for the Grand Prize. Many who submitted photos entered the contest at least twice.
To view all photos, scroll through the Flickr album below.
BWB stories
We received many heartwarming stories each week about friendships formed from working together. You can read some of these stories by clicking through the weekly coffee card winners listed below. Watch VCH News for more BWB stories over the coming weeks.
Week 1: Michelle, Melanie, Naleena and Kelly
Week 2: Ana, Eva, Simi, and Navi
Week 3: Fiona, Brenda, Jennifer and Karen
Week 6: Zori, Marion, Ruth, Paula and Jeanette
Week 7: Aaron, Cam, and the VGH ED med team
Week 8: Eduardo, Cane, Helen, Christine and Lone
Week 9: Sukhjit, Kimberly, Lani, Kamaljit and Manjit
Week 10: Buena, Cristine, Amy, Joel, Carman, Givan and Karen
* While VCH News was on two-week summer hiatus, we were unable to publish stories from week 4 and 5.
Congratulations to our Grand Prize winners! We look forward to seeing your professional photos!