Medical Radiation Technology Awareness Week, Nov. 8 – 14, 2015

Medical Radiation Technologists Week, Nov. 8 – 14

Join Medical Radiation Technologists (MRTs) at Vancouver General Hospital and across Canada as we celebrate MRT Week, November 8-14, 2015. These nationally certified technologists and therapists are an essential link between patient care and advanced technology.

A VGH display booth will be set up November 12 and 13 on the second floor of the Jim Pattison pavilion, in the lunchroom outside Sassafras, and will feature fun & interactive games (and prizes!) as participants learn about the world of medical imaging.

Learn about medical radiation technology

Spearheaded by the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists (CAMRT), MRT Week raises awareness about this area of healthcare to increase understanding of the contributions of the professionals involved in the clinical applications of medical radiation technology.

The Medical Imaging Department at Vancouver General hospital provides both patients and residents with access to state-of-the-art Medical Imaging for diagnosis and treatment. The MRT professionals at Vancouver General Hospital include a diverse array of highly trained professionals representing various imaging technology-related disciplines in the health care field.

Radiological technologists use x-rays to produce images of body parts and systems, including CT scans, screening and diagnostic mammography, and operating room procedures. They are expert in the use of complex medical equipment which is used to better differentiate between normal and diseased tissue, while at the same time providing comprehensive, compassionate care to each patient.

Nuclear medicine technologists have technical expertise in the use of radiopharmaceuticals and radiation physics, which allows them to perform diagnostic imaging procedures through SPECT and PET imaging. They acquire images of various body systems that aid in identifying normal and diseased tissue, and their attention to quality assurance ensures patient safety is of foremost concern.

Magnetic resonance technologists produce diagnostic images using equipment that generates radio waves and a strong magnetic field. They apply their extensive knowledge of anatomy, pathology and physiology as well as their patient care skills in order to obtain the necessary images and monitor patients during scans.

Ultrasonographers, while strictly speaking are not MRTs, often have a background in medical radiation technology prior to taking their ultrasound training. These skilled professionals use sound waves to create their images, which provide diagnoses and guide physicians in treatment and continuing care. We are also recognizing their contributions to the imaging service at Vancouver General Hospital as part of MRT week.

MRT Display booth:

Date & Time: November 12 and 13, 2015, 0930 to 1400 hr.
Venue: JPP 2nd floor at Sassafras (East of cashiers)