A heartwarming letter of gratitude

This spring, Bruce Hartnett, patient services manager of the Cardiac Sciences Program Outpatient and Diagnostic Services, received a heartfelt letter from the 7:30 am Wednesday morning Cardiac Rehabilitation class.

Thanking the VGH Healthy Heart Program team, the thoughtful note not only expresses the group’s gratitude for the excellent service they received, it’s also signed by each and every client!

Dear Mr. Hartnett:

This letter with attached signatures is to express our appreciation and gratitude to all team members of the VGH Healthy Heart Program for their expert knowledge and excellent service in cardiac rehabilitation. In particular we wish to thank Ivan, Karelyn, Paula and Taira who directly assist us on Wednesday mornings. They are all caring and dedicated professionals. A big thank-you to all of them and please advise them of this.