But Injuries Happen

When accidents happen, whether the result of collisions, near collisions, or hazards on the roadway, an injured cyclist enters a foreign world where the language spoken is difficult to understand.

Concepts of liability, damages, and medical -legal assessments are very important to a fair and just legal outcome, but unfortunately, cyclists often enter this world without knowing the risks that await them.

On Wed April 12th, (4:30-5:15pm) VGH will be hosting an engaging seminar with David Hay Q.C. – a bike lawyer with almost 30 years of experience dealing with personal injury related to bike injuries. The talk will begin at the moment of injury and educate cyclists on what happens next, step by step, from the outset of the process to the conclusion.

This is more than a  “rights and responsibilities” seminar- David will discuss institutional bias, leverage in the claims and litigation process, evidence and the onus of proof, the need for legislative reform, and the new and safer paradigm where injuries to cyclists are regarded as unacceptable in law and in society.

The event is free and open to the public. Seating is limited so sign up at Eventbrite – But Injuries Happen

David is a partner with Richards Buell Sutton LLP in Vancouver.

Image from http://www.bicycling.com/training/skills/crash-course-how-to-handle-a-car-bike-collision