Meet Chief Ian Campbell, Squamish Nation

“Reconciliation with Indigenous people is not a destination, it’s a journey. It’s a strengthening of relationships.” Chief Ian Campbell

What does this new relationship look like? In health care, it means creating an environment free of discrimination, where Indigenous people feel safe receiving health care.

“It’s a pairing of Western management processes with Indigenous knowledge, science and ways of understanding that incorporate our cultural and spiritual values, recognizes the value of our Elders, the value of our spiritual practitioners, the value of our culture that creates a visible presence to create safety within hospitals.”

As the Aboriginal Health team works with staff to improve care for Aboriginal patients and residents, we’ll provide many opportunities for staff to learn about Indigenous culture, health and wellness through participating in in-person training workshops, webinars and experiences such as next week’s Chief Chat with Chief Ian Campbell.

Chief Chat open to all staff

This special event is open to all staff who would like to learn more about local First peoples’ ways through storytelling.

Where: Diamond Courtyard, Jim Pattison Pavilion, VGH

When: Thursday, November 23 – 1 to 2 pm

Learn more

For more information and resources, visit our Aboriginal Health Staff Hub here.