Samantha Wilbur

Job Title
Acute Emergency Management Coordinator

VCH Coastal Communities of Care

How long have you worked at VCH?
5 months

Tell us what you do at VCH in one or two sentences:
Emergency Management preparedness, response, recovery and mitigation, through policy development, training and site support.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?
The opportunity to meet people from all areas and work roles from within the hospital. There is a certain level of enthusiasm I see when people start talking about Emergency Management, and more often than not you get into some great conversations.

How does your work contribute to the VCH True North goals?
Our number one goal in Emergency Management response is the safety of the responders and putting people first. When faced with a major event, the ability of the team to manage the incident is reflected on their safety and well being as a team.

One thing we might be surprised to learn about you:
I worked on screen for a few years in the movies and television.

Three things you always have in your fridge:
Mangoes (love them), chocolate and Franks Red Hot Sauce… not all at the same time.

Who or what inspires you?
My director in Abu Dhabi, UAE Adam Crosby. He was by far the best influence I have ever had when it came to the right way to work with others and those that report to you.

Most healthy habit:
Travelling! I am just short of 50 countries.

Favourite vacation spot:
Socotra, Yemen. It is by far the most amazing place I have ever been to.

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