Have you “spring cleaned” your work area?

As we come out of a long, wet winter, most people use the warmer weather as an opportunity to start their “spring clean” at home. But have you thought about your work unit?

We all know how easy it is for clutter to collect in a hospital environment—after a big clean-out, it usually doesn’t take long for the clutter to slowly creep back. That’s why Infection Control is encouraging all units across the organization to take a leaner and cleaner approach to their environment.

“Spring cleaning is a really great opportunity for staff to critically look at their unit and determine what’s impeding their work flow,” says Sydney Scharf, infection control practitioner.  “A tidier unit not only feels better to work on, but more importantly, it allows Environmental Services to better access the areas they need.”

Infection Control’s CDI Initiative, which began two years ago at VGH, has so far led to some impressive results when it comes to adopting a new ‘clean’ culture. “We encourage all units to clean and declutter at least three times a year, and to contact the Aramark Call Centre if they need additional toter bins,” Sydney adds.

Some other tips to consider when cleaning your unit:

  • Think about the next person who will be using your work station, and use a Cavi-Wipe at the beginning and end of your workday on phones, mouses and keyboards.
  • Don’t forget about your personal devices like phones and ipods.
  • Set up a monthly cleaning schedule for your unit’s staff room, and pay special attention to the fridge. Clean out old food and wipe down the inside.
  • Take a sweep through the locker rooms. Abandoned clothing can be delivered to PCAs (after being washed, of course!), who will then give them to social workers in the Emergency Department.

“We would really like to encourage a philosophy of shared accountability, since we’re all responsible for a clean workplace,” Sydney says.

  1. Biljana

    I was told that Cavi wipes or any other are harmful for the screens and plastic materials. Please Infection Control…suggest which one to use that are safe both for equipment and workers!

    May 18, 2014
  2. AS

    Aren’t Cavi-Wipes harmful to handle on bare skin? If you wipe down computer keyboards and mouses, the residue would get on your hands. Isn’t that a hazard?

    May 16, 2014
    • Nedeen Boon

      Yes, you must wear gloves when using Cavi Wipes

      May 17, 2014