All for a good cause: Dr. George Isac works as an ICU registered nurse for a day with the guidance and support of Lynette Brandsma, RN.

“It’s been a humbling experience”

It’s 10 am and Dr. George Isac is hard at work.

The medical director of the VGH Intensive Care Unit (ICU) is only three hours into his shift working as a registered nurse — that’s right, an RN — and the pace has been steady.

“I’m having to watch the clock closely,” he says grinning sheepishly. “It’s been busy, even with stable patients, and it’s easy to get behind in your tasks. It’s been a humbling experience.”

Fortunately for Dr. Isac, Lynette Brandsma, ICU RN, is mentoring him. “He’s doing very well, and it’s been a lot of fun,” she says. “I like sharing our expertise, and it’s all for a good cause.”

That’s because Dr. Isac isn’t trialing a new career path. His shift as an ICU RN is the result of a recent fundraiser, which garnered $4,900 for the ICU Wishing Well honouring patients’ wishes at end of life.

ICU Wishing Well brings peace, eases grieving

Inspired by the 3 Wishes Project in Ontario, Julie Lockington, ICU RN, originally proposed the Wishing Well Project at VGH, and she readily found support from her ICU colleagues.

Allana Leblanc (left), critical care practice lead, and Julie Lockington, ICU RN, with the statute of a saint borrowed from a local parish to grant a patient’s wish.

Allana LeBlanc (left), clinical nurse specialist, ICU and High Acuity, and Julie Lockington, RN, ICU, with the statute of a saint borrowed from a local parish to grant a patient’s wish.

Since April, about 20 families have benefitted. “We’ll consider granting just about any wish, but to date all wishes have been quite modest,” says Allana LeBlanc, clinical nurse specialist, ICU and High Acuity.

Patient wishes have included a pet visit, a phone call, a favourite comfort food and many manicures. The Wishing Well has also supported a civil wedding ceremony at the bedside, complete with wedding decorations made by ICU nurses, and a child’s princess birthday party.

“More than half of our patients are from outside the Lower Mainland and don’t have easy access to their personal belongings,” says Allana. “We try and provide items or experiences that bring comfort, and that bring out each patient’s uniqueness.”

Physicians and staff make Wishing Well possible

To fulfill patient and family wishes, the ICU relies on its Wishing Well Network, a team of 17 ICU physicians and staff who volunteer support and special skills, including translating requests. Thanks to their efforts, and the contributions of everyone who participated in the ICU Nurse for a Day fundraiser, many more patients and families will benefit from the Wishing Well.

ICU Wishing Well Network

Julie Lockington RN Allana LeBlanc RN Denise Foster RN
Sophia Goksoyr SW Jackson Lam PSM Vinay Dhingra M
George Isac M William Henderson MD Jenny Latchko RN
Simon Wills PCA Any Palomino, Admin Secretary Maddy LaBerge RT
Julie Kyle RN Tak Chan RN Susan Elliot RN
Marlies Ernst RN Jess Donald RN Michael Pasche, Spiritual Health Practitioner

But, wait…there’s more!

Watch VCH News-Vancouver this fall for coverage of Dr. Dean Chittock working as an ICU RN for a day. Thanks to a “friendly fire” challenge by Dr. Isac during the Wishing Well fundraising campaign, our VCH vice president, quality and safety, will be the second ICU attending physician to work as an RN at VGH



  1. Marni Wildman

    Beautiful. We are getting to a place we want to be.

    August 26, 2016
  2. Lori Baker

    I think that is brilliant, but as I said in a comment months ago, we ALL should do that. There are stresses in all of our jobs, Porters, CEO, RT, lab tech,COO, EKG tech, MD,RN,LPN, PT,OT,SW,DCC,PCC, Managers, Directors Etc etc. We all need to walk in someone else’s shoes in order to really understand the stresses and good times. I never would believe my world is more stressful than someone else’s. Hats off and respect to all my colleagues!

    August 26, 2016
  3. Jenifer Tabamo

    Well wishes to making “Wishing well” possible… Just inspiring work 🙂

    August 25, 2016
  4. Vini Bains

    That is amazing!!!

    August 25, 2016