Meet Sara Young

Harm Reduction Coordinator, Vancouversarayoung

How long have you worked at VCH?
Since 2008

Your VCH contribution. Tell us what you do at VCH in one sentence.
I provide training, develop policy and coordinate between VCH services and our community partners to reduce harms from drug use and sexual activity. This includes supporting and implementing services to reduce HIV and Hepatitis C and sexually transmitted infections, as well as injury, overdoses and other harms.

One thing that we might be surprised to find out about you: 
My grade 4 science project was titled, “Do unicorns exist?”

Favourite hobby:
Rock climbing

Three things you always have in your fridge:
Too many condiments, this week’s fresh vegetables and last week’s rotten ones

What makes you happy?
My family, friends and co-workers. I’m lucky to know a lot of amazing and inspiring people!

Most healthy habit:
Biking to work

Favourite vacation spot or place you’ve visited: 
Haida Gwaii




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