Meet Heather Alliston-Perry

Heather Alliston-PerryHeather
Older Adult Concurrent Disorders Clinician, West Community Health Centre

How long have you worked at VCH?

My VCH career began in 1973!

Your VCH contribution. Tell us what you do at VCH in one sentence.

In the role of a community health nurse, I assist seniors with at risk substance use to either eliminate or reduce the harm associated with their use.

One thing that we might be surprised to find out about you:

I like Pitbull (the rapper).

Favorite hobby:

Working on really old car engines and making them run again.

Three things you always have in your fridge:

Never anything exciting.

What makes you happy?

When I can finally play a piece of piano music without making any mistakes.

Most healthy habit:

I don’t smoke or drink.

Favourite vacation spot or place you’ve visited:

Being in Rome and watching the colors of the sunset over the Vatican.

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