Angie Natingor

Job Title
Policy Advisor

Legal Services

How long have you worked at VCH?
By the end of June 2015, I’ll have worked at VCH for two whole months!

Tell us what you do at VCH in one or two sentences:
I am responsible for helping corporate policy authors from across VCH refresh older policies or create new policies where needed. Much of my time so far has been dedicated to learning about VCH policy development and identifying where we can enhance our efforts – for example, by creating ways to evaluate policies and better track when policies should be updated going forward.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?
There is so much to learn and so much to do. I enjoy meeting new people, learning about what policies they are working on and figuring out how I can help – whether that be by writing, editing, planning a stakeholder review or determining how best to communicate a policy.

How does your work contribute to the VCH True North goals?
Helping to create VCH policies that are easily understandable and accessible is all part of ensuring they are “people first”. Our team in Legal Services is dedicated to working with others in developing “people first” policies that help us all meet the VCH True North goals.

One thing we might be surprised to learn about you:
I’ve long been a city girl but having grown up in Saskatchewan I know how to two-step and line dance just as well as other country folk. (I tend to break out this secret skill on special occasions only, like at weddings and barn dances.)

Three things you always have in your fridge:
Lettuce and parsley (for my pet bunny rabbits), and cheese (for me).

Who or what inspires you?
My husband is a constant source of inspiration. He has an incredible appetite for knowledge, adventure and fun, and is someone I truly admire.

Most healthy habit:
Getting at least seven hours of sleep every night.

Favourite vacation spot:
Don’t have one! I love travelling to places I’ve been and haven’t been, ancient and modern, urban and rural. There are so many places in the world and I think they are all unique and wonderful for many different reasons.

Suggest someone for People in Profile

Do you know someone at VCH who you’d like to see profiled in VCH News? Send your suggestion to and we’ll follow up with them. Don’t worry, we won’t tell them you suggested them. It’ll just be our little secret.