Alyson Gracey

Job Title
Social Worker

Primary Outreach Services, Hotel Team

How long have you worked at VCH?
2 years as a social worker, 3 years in admin

Tell us what you do at VCH in one or two sentences:
I get to visit residents in many of the SROs (single resident occupancy) in the Downtown Eastside and support them with accomplishing their goals. I also get to be person who is safe, non-judgmental, supportive and providing of unconditional positive regard.

What’s your favourite thing about your work?
Getting to meet so many amazing, resourceful, determined, resilient, and intelligent human beings through being out in the community every day. Also, getting to be there when someone is able to do something they hadn’t believed possible.

How does your work contribute to the VCH True North goals?
My daily work is all about people first. People are why I am here and people are how I get energized to work in a system that is not always easy to navigate. I believe that by supporting the well-being of one community, a ripple-effect of better health for all communities is created.

One thing we might be surprised to learn about you:
I have run four half-marathons.

Three things you always have in your fridge:
Dijon mustard, ketchup, mayonnaise.

Who or what inspires you?
The people I work with, both in the office and out in the community, each day. Mark Haden is the person who inspired me to become a social worker and choose this community for my practice.

Most healthy habit:
I make sleeping 8 hours each night a priority.

Favourite vacation spot:
Cuba, specifically Jibacoa.

Suggest someone for People in Profile

Do you know someone at VCH who you’d like to see profiled in VCH News? Send your suggestion to and we’ll follow up with them. Don’t worry, we won’t tell them you suggested them. It’ll just be our little secret.