A snapshot of feelings from across our community

Visitors and staff at City Hall, the Library and Richmond Hospital recorded their feeling during Mental Health Week.

Visitors and staff at City Hall, the Library and Richmond Hospital recorded their feelings on large banners during Mental Health Week.

Reps from the “fine or phine?” campaign visited Richmond Hospital yesterday, and asked people to share their REAL feelings.

The campaign is part of the Canadian Mental Health Association’s 63rd annual Mental Health Week, and is designed to encourage people to tell others how they really feel.

Staff and volunteers from the CMHA stopped by the Parkside Café at Richmond Hospital for a few hours with lots of informational brochures and free DVD’s. They also had two big “How are you REALLY feeling” banners and many different coloured felt pens for people to record their feelings.

Earlier in the week, they also visited the Richmond Library and City Hall.

For more information and tips on how to improve and maintain your mental health, check out the CMHA web site.

dear efap

You can also get input into your dilemmas by writing to “dear efap”, a regular column in VCH News catered specifically towards healthcare employees and their families. Recent submissions can be found here, here, here and here.

They welcome all inquiries – please submit them to ac.pafe@pafe.raed. Printed responses use the anonymous descriptor that you sign your inquiry with and do not reveal any identifying information. 

They read every inquiry that comes in but are only able to print a small selection of responses.  Their “pithy” answers are modeled after the lighter hearted Dear Abby style and are grounded in common sense.  

The advice offered in the column is meant to be used as general guidance based on the facts provided. The opinions or views expressed should not be relied on as treatment or counselling services. If you find yourself in need of counselling or support, please contact EFAP at 1-800-505-4929 or 604-872-4929, your family doctor, or another appropriately trained and qualified specialist.